<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<p>Countdown to year 3000:</p>
<%millennium=cdate("1/1/3000 00:00:00")%>
It is
<%response.write(DateDiff("yyyy", Now(), millennium))%>
years to year 3000!
It is
<%response.write(DateDiff("m", Now(), millennium))%>
months to year 3000!
It is
<%response.write(DateDiff("ww", Now(), millennium))%>
weeks to year 3000!
It is
<%response.write(DateDiff("d", Now(), millennium))%>
days to year 3000!
It is
<%response.write(DateDiff("h", Now(), millennium))%>
hours to year 3000!
It is
<%response.write(DateDiff("n", Now(), millennium))%>
minutes to year 3000!
It is
<%response.write(DateDiff("s", Now(), millennium))%>
seconds to year 3000!
Countdown to year 3000:
It is 987 years to year 3000!
It is 11835 months to year 3000!
It is 51456 weeks to year 3000!
It is 360192 days to year 3000!
It is 8644588 hours to year 3000!
It is 518675231 minutes to year 3000!
It is 31120513809 seconds to year 3000!
- ASP Cookies
- ASP Application 对象
- ASP Drive 对象
- ASP DateCreated 属性
- ASP ShortPath 属性
- ASP Delete 方法
- ASP Item 属性
- ASP Add 方法
- ASP AddHeader 方法
- ASP Flush 方法
- ASP TotalBytes 属性
- ASP GetLastError 方法
- ASP CopyFolder 方法
- ASP.NET HtmlForm 控件
- ASP.NET HtmlInputFile 控件
- ASP.NET HtmlInputText 控件
- ASP URLEncode 方法
- GET表单
- 取得文件扩展名
- 使用vbscript制作基于时间的问候语