' 函数名:saveremotefile
' 作 用:保存远程文件到本地
' 参 数:strfilename ----保存文件的名称
' strremoteurl ----远程文件url
' 返回值:布尔值 true/false
function saveremotefile(byval strfilename, byval strremoteurl)
dim ostream, retrieval, getremotedata
saveremotefile = false
on error resume next
set retrieval = server.createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp") "get", strremoteurl, false, "", ""
if retrieval.readystate <> 4 then exit function
if retrieval.status > 300 then exit function
getremotedata = retrieval.responsebody
set retrieval = nothing
if lenb(getremotedata) > 100 then
set ostream = server.createobject("")
ostream.type = 1
ostream.mode = 3
ostream.write getremotedata
ostream.savetofile server.mappath(strfilename), 2
set ostream = nothing
exit function
end if
if err.number = 0 then
saveremotefile = true
end if
end function
class download_cls
private suploaddir
private nallowsize
private sallowext
private soriginalfilename
private ssavefilename
private spathfilename
public property get remotefilename()
remotefilename = soriginalfilename
end property
public property get localfilename()
localfilename = ssavefilename
end property
public property get localfilepath()
localfilepath = spathfilename
end property
public property let remotedir(byval strdir)
suploaddir = strdir
end property
public property let allowmaxsize(byval intsize)
nallowsize = intsize
end property
public property let allowextname(byval strext)
sallowext = strext
end property
private sub class_initialize()
on error resume next
script_object = "scripting.filesystemobject"
suploaddir = "uploadfile/"
nallowsize = 500
sallowext = "gif|jpg|png|bmp"
end sub
public function changeremote(shtml)
on error resume next
dim s_content
s_content = shtml
on error resume next
dim re, s, remotefileurl, savefilename, savefiletype
set re = new regexp
re.ignorecase = true = true
re.pattern = "((http|https|ftp|rtsp|mms):(\/\/|\\\\){1}(([a-za-z0-9_-])+[.]){1,}(net|com|cn|org|cc|tv|[0-9]{1,3})(\s*\/)((\s)+[.]{1}(" & sallowext & ")))"
set s = re.execute(s_content)
dim a_remoteurl(), n, i, brepeat
n = 0
' 转入无重复数据
for each remotefileurl in s
if n = 0 then
n = n + 1
redim a_remoteurl(n)
a_remoteurl(n) = remotefileurl
brepeat = false
for i = 1 to ubound(a_remoteurl)
if ucase(remotefileurl) = ucase(a_remoteurl(i)) then
brepeat = true
exit for
end if
if brepeat = false then
n = n + 1
redim preserve a_remoteurl(n)
a_remoteurl(n) = remotefileurl
end if
end if
' 开始替换操作
dim nfilenum, scontentpath,strfilepath
scontentpath = relativepath2rootpath(suploaddir)
nfilenum = 0
for i = 1 to n
savefiletype = mid(a_remoteurl(i), instrrev(a_remoteurl(i), ".") + 1)
savefilename = getrndfilename(savefiletype)
strfilepath = suploaddir & savefilename
if saveremotefile(strfilepath, a_remoteurl(i)) = true then
nfilenum = nfilenum + 1
if nfilenum > 0 then
soriginalfilename = soriginalfilename & "|"
ssavefilename = ssavefilename & "|"
spathfilename = spathfilename & "|"
end if
soriginalfilename = soriginalfilename & mid(a_remoteurl(i), instrrev(a_remoteurl(i), "/") + 1)
ssavefilename = ssavefilename & savefilename
spathfilename = spathfilename & scontentpath & savefilename
s_content = replace(s_content, a_remoteurl(i), scontentpath & savefilename, 1, -1, 1)
end if
changeremote = s_content
end function
public function relativepath2rootpath(url)
dim stempurl
stempurl = url
if left(stempurl, 1) = "/" then
relativepath2rootpath = stempurl
exit function
end if
dim swebeditorpath
swebeditorpath = request.servervariables("script_name")
swebeditorpath = left(swebeditorpath, instrrev(swebeditorpath, "/") - 1)
do while left(stempurl, 3) = "../"
stempurl = mid(stempurl, 4)
swebeditorpath = left(swebeditorpath, instrrev(swebeditorpath, "/") - 1)
relativepath2rootpath = swebeditorpath & "/" & stempurl
end function
public function getrndfilename(sext)
dim srnd
srnd = int(900 * rnd) + 100
getrndfilename = year(now) & month(now) & day(now) & hour(now) & minute(now) & second(now) & srnd & "." & sext
end function
end class